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June 01, 2016



Prior to this pandemic that has changed the world as we know it, I taught CAD using the Fusion 360 platform. Once we were forced to move from desktops in the classroom to Chrome Books at home, I had to find another alternative. Onshape has been a true blessing. The students will be able to continue drawing. I know it’s going to be difficult to get high school students to switch to something totally new, however, those without computers at home will continue to be able to learn. I will require all students to switch so that it is fair for everyone.


Interesting article. I still feel that Onshape is more of technology proof of concept project. With the big question of "Can and will companies rely on SAAS companies, like Onshape, for product development?" Not only is the internet connectivity required but all product and IP is also stored and managed in the cloud and not on premise.
If Onshape is a POC for an on-premise tool that utilizes onsite servers for CPU and data storage and virtual workstations for rendering then I see a future.
The business model of free doesn't pay the bills. Monthly subscriptions helps with cash flow for both parties but doesn't guarantee continued flow. It will take a lot of accounts (10,000) to reach a $1M in monthly subscriptions. That's a lot users and that's only for $1M a month in income. Take out R&D and G&A and I don't think there would be much left. Especially with the crew that Onshape has- all very smart people.


Interesting article - recently we released a new Plugin for Onshape, which allows you to optimize and analyze your 3D files with just one click. You can download it on www.3yourmind.com! :)

Jonah M

Actually, they only got $25 million last month. The other 80 mill was several months earlier and was well publicized. Not sure how you missed that.


F360 BETTER than Onshape; UI, T-Splines, CAM, Simulation, Rendering, Modeling, Sharing, Speed, Support, Attitude

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