I’ve probably sat through hundreds of presentations given by excited CAD executives. So many times has one of them pulled out his iPhone to make a point that I am sick of it. I can see it coming as they reach in. Then they pull it out. It's followed by something clever, like:
"10 years ago, it took a roomful of computers to do what this little thing does."
"I don’t need a user manual to operate this."
Hey, look, just cause you have an iPhone, it doesn’t mean we all do. We might secretly want one, but that only makes us resentful.
And stop porting all your software to every damn Apple product. Have any of you tried to look at E-size drawings on an iPhone for more than a few seconds? Yeah, it’s stupidly small. How about CFD on an MacBook Air?
I don’t have any Apple computers. Nor am I yearning for one. My daughter is. She is way cooler than me. But when I look around, I don’t see any engineer using them. Not for production work. Just writing this will ensure that I will be pelted by Mac enthusiasts, but like mysterious forces others insist upon, I still deny their existence without visual proof.
And while I’m at it, can you guys stop trying to relate with us common folk. It’s not coming off. Your experiences are not our experiences. We are not jetting around the world. A few of us lucky bastards may come to your annual user conferences. We don’t mind that you have to go all over the world, that’s ok, you run multinational companies. But even if your tools of the trade are Smartphones and iPads, ours are still workstations with big hulking monitors, usually two of them. You can keep issuing news that this and that is now running on a laptop. Means nothing to us.
Oh, and another thing. We all might all have wives and drive cars in common, so we might let you get away with a little good old fashitioned wife/driving humor. But when the wife is driving a Mercedes...not cool.
Anybody else got any pet peeves? Besides bloggers going on rants, I mean.
Everyone is thinking it, you said it. Nice work. ;)
Posted by: dave | June 17, 2011 at 11:38 AM
Awesome. You can call it a rant, I call it clarity.
Posted by: Gol10dr | June 17, 2011 at 07:06 AM
Posted by: Alex Bausk | June 16, 2011 at 10:07 PM