I know someone who won't vote for McCain because he has short arms.
Of course, you'll make your choice for the right reasons. Or will you?
At a recent CAD user meeting, the speaker asked the assembled thousands if anyone had analyzed the presidential candidates, like with a spreadsheet? Had any one bothered? Surely, something as important as picking the right presidential candidate would warrant some serious consideration. This was a crowd that was all about analysis -- you would think. These guys did FEA to determine if their bracket would only bend elastically or made decision grids to find the optimum muffin fan for their electronic enclosures.
I was ashamed.
So it's hardly surprising that even a decision as picking a CAD program is made without hard analysis or a technical assessment. I recall making a detailed checklist when I was picking a solid modeling product -- but that was back in the 80's. I haven't heard of anyone doing that lately. People say there is no need. More than one CAD industry executive has told me the products are all the same (though not on record).
Now Synchronous Technology could change the game. Suddenly, there is something new, different...exciting. Is it enough to overcome the herd mentality? Or will new users still buy what other are buying? Safety in numbers. Why stick your neck out? Solid Edge may be the greatest software on the planet but who on earth uses it? Will I be all alone?