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June 16, 2008


Jon Sutcliffe

Now we have ST4 just round the corner and this Synchronous Technology is really coming of age.

We have many customers taking advantage of our new Synchronous Migration video training course on Solid Mastermind – http://www.solidmastermind.com

There are many more full training courses available too.

Synchronous Technology and the mixed modelling environments that Solid Edge offers give you the best of both worlds

Mincho Benny

The company I wok for has just acquired SE ST2. At home I still have SE V20 and have no intention to spend the money to upgrade to ST2 for home. As it is, I'm unable to open in V20 any file that has been opened, saved, or created in ST. Even if it was originally created in V20. Does anybody have any solution to this situation? Help will be greatly appreciated

Toby Lenton

Cain I just checked out your Solid Edge Tutorials at http://www.solidedgetutorials.com - they are great but still don't understand why you're giving them away for free? Is there a catch?

Cain Sanchez

Hey, Just wanted to let you all know that Solid Edge video tutorials are available at www.solidedgetutorials.com and are offering some free downloads for a limited time!
We are soon to release Solid Edge Tutorials for Synchronous Technology!

Cain. NSW, Australia

Mick Best (Consulting Engr.)

As an engineer and realist, I see it this way. I've used Autocad Inventor, ProE, Solid Edge, Solid Works, NX and Catia. Siemens AKA UGS (Unigraphics) seems to be the only corporation involved in R&D. SpaceClaim cant save both Data and Geometry and Synchronous does. If Siemens wasn't an open sharing corporation they would pull the use of D-Cubed and Parasolid. If they did that all these software companies would die out. NX and Solid Edge Velocity series software is the future for companies that want to do continue to do business in the real world. Do yourself a favor and



Can anyone here explain to me how this synchronous technology from Siemens is different from Spaceclaim ?


Sure it is a new technology. cheers. I had red one article from the following site. It shows parametric modeling is safer. I got confused.

Please visit:

Read the following topic:

'Synchronous Technology from Siemens - History-Free modelling - Myth or Reality?'

Anybody please give your comment about this topic.

Dora Smith

Roopinder, thanks for your comments. We agree synchronous technology will enable Solid Edge to "take off" and lead the market. Regarding your comments on Parasolid/D-Cubed saving a few "tricks" just for Siemens PLM, afraid that would go against our open philosophy. Believe it or not, our Solid Edge and NX development folks did the hard work of writing an application layer on top of Parasolid/D-Cubed the way any of our competitors can (and do today). So no undocumented Parasolid features, just some smart R&D by the NX and Solid Edge folks. (Sorry Ralph, nothing sinister - http://worldcadaccess.typepad.com/blog/2008/06/secret-like-microsoft.html ).


I need solid edge tutorial.

Alec Thorne, Schott Systeme GmbH

Interesting. We have been promoting the direct modification of solid models for over 10 years now, always faced with the question from users "but its not parametric". Its good to see CAD users and vendors finally opening up to the idea of non feature based modelling.

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